Article 1
The name of the associations shall be the Texas Fence Association DBA The Texas Fence Association effective August 20, 1976 (incorporated in the state of Texas).
Article 2
The principal office of the state association and its official mailing address shall be the established office as designated by the board of directors.
Article 3
The objective and purpose of the state association shall be to benefit the fence industry and the consumer by promoting the highest level of professionalism, ethics and product standards, through the dissemination of information and the education of its members.
Article 4
The state association shall approve and adopt an insignia which shall appear on the state association stationary and shall be of a design suitable to the fence industry and the character of the state association. In addition the insignia may be used by members of the state association.
Article 5
Dues and assessments shall be determined by the directors and officers and shall be collected by the association. Any member who fails to pay their dues or assessments within three (3) months from the due date shall be suspended, unless, by a majority vote of the board of directors at a regular or special meeting, other action or disposition is directed. Accounting records and books of accounts shall be maintained at the office of the treasurer.
Article 6
Any legally established business engaged in the fence business or manufacturing, supply or sale of fence parts, components, or materials may be admitted to full and active membership in this association provided that he or it:
- Submits an application on appropriate forms accompanied by remittance covering membership dues for one year or a pro rata period if application is made after June 30 of a given year.
- Is accepted for membership and approved by a majority affirmative vote of the members at a regular meeting.
- Shall hold membership in the name of a firm or corporation and designate one individual who shall thereafter exercise the voting power of the membership. Designation may be changed by the member at any time upon notice in writing to the president. In any event, no member should have more than one vote.
- Shall be suspended upon non-payment of dues as setout in Article 5.
- May for cause have the membership terminated. Sufficient cause for termination shall be violation of By-Laws or failure to meet the requirements of membership as previously stated.
- The fiscal year of the association shall begin on the 1st day of January of each year and end on the 31st day of December.
Article 7
The business of the association shall be managed by the board of directors and active president through the officers of the association. The attendance of five (5) of the directors or officers shall constitute a quorum. The membership shall elect from its total member firms a president, a vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and a maximum of 14 with a minimum of 10 directors which shall include the immediate past president and any past presidents of the national association. In absences of the president the president-elect will preside.
A vacancy occurring from time to time in any office shall be filled forthwith by the board of directors from its members. No such officer shall receive reimbursement for his services as such but they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
Board of directors to serve terms of two (2) years and are eligible for re-election. Officers of the association shall hold office on an annual basis until their successors and appointed/elected in their stead and are eligible for re-election. The president shall preside at every meeting of the members and the directors of the association and in his absence the vice-president shall preside. In the absence of both the president and vice-president the senior member of the board of directors will preside. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the association and as such he shall have general charge of the affairs of the association subject to the direction of the board of directors.
A vice-president shall in the absence or incapacity of the president perform the duties of the president. The treasurer shall have custody of the corporate funds, keep accounts an deposit all monies in the name and to the credit of the association in such depositories as may be designated by the board of directors.
Article 8
Meetings of the association shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the program committee with appropriate notice mailed to all members setting forth the time and place of such meeting at least two weeks in advance. Special meetings or board of directors meetings may be called by the president from time to time as required for the conduct of association business.
Article 9
The officers of the association may be nominated by the nominating committee or nominated from the floor from among the membership of the association. Election of officers shall take place at the spring meeting of each year.
Article 10
The chapter is not organized for profit and shall not declare individuals dividends or other financial distributions to its members.
In the event of the dissolution of the chapter, in accordance with the laws of the state of Texas, all assets after payment of just debts, fees, charges, and expenses, shall be delivered as a contribution to the national AFA. Said assets are to be held in trust for a period of five (5) years. In the event that a new chapter is re-formed in the same general area, the assets will be released to the new chapter. If no chapter is re-formed within five years, the assets will be used by the national association for chapter development purposes.